Every Player Matters ~ Come Be A Beast!
Beast Girls Lacrosse teams play in a youth league dedicated to improving player's skills within a family atmosphere. The club was founded with a passion to provide Central Florida players a place to play with quality coaching, competitive leagues and tournaments, affordable pricing levels, and all within a welcoming environment!
Beast of the East ES & MS Teams- Practice location is Carrilon Elementary School
Practices start 8/6 (Saturday) from 8:45-11:15 and will continue every Tues/Thurs after from 5:15-6:45pm until mid October
Tuskawilla ES & MS Teams=Practice location is Chiles Elementary School
Practices start 8/22 and continue every Mon/Wed from 5:30-7pm until mid October.
We hope you enjoy visiting our site and we will see you on the lacrosse field soon!